About Luna Starz

Hi, thank-you for visiting lunastarz.com

My name is Kelly and I began my blog back in March 2015, to be honest, it was just as a spare time filler. The more I blogged the more I enjoyed blogging and now I tend to spend quite a bit more time researching and writing. This is my first blog and I’m no computer whizz, which means I’m pretty much learning as I go, and yes over a year on there are still things I have no clue about. But they do say you learn something new every day.

So, what’s Luna Starz about?
Just upcoming and newly released music, movies, TV shows and some interviews. You will also find a little bit of celebrity news, but the good stuff, charity work etc. You will not find anything about celebrity attention seeking, you know all that he said she said kind of rubbish, that really doesn’t interest me at all.

If you want to know about a song, movie, TV show or interview that I haven’t written about feel free to send me a message via:
Contact page – https://lunastarz.com/contact-luna/
Email – lunastarz50@yahoo.com
Twitter – @lunastarz_50
Facebook – facebook.com/lunastarzblog

and I will gladly see what I can find for you.

Your opinions and feedback will always be welcome! Have a nosey around and hopefully you will find something to enjoy.